Strassenschlucht mit Sonnenuntergang

Online presence for digital platform myleo / dsc

The supply chain specialist has established a permanent exchange process with customers in parallel with the market launch of its digital platform for yard and transport logistics.
Detail eines in AbendstimmungContainerschiff

Operational logistics processes bundled in one place

The digital supply chain specialist has deliberately chosen a cloud approach to reduce software barriers for customers.
Die igital Supply Chain auf einem Containerschiff

A vision in mind

How user centricity leads us in new directions.
Handy mit Strassenkarte

Mobile solutions for logistics

Digital transformation brings a wide range of benefits and the opportunity to organize processes more efficiently.
Apple watch zeigt Informationen in Echtzeit

Be ahead of your time

How you can determine the arrival time of trucks and use this information to trigger outsourcing is explained in this blog post.
grafische Darstellung eines vernetzten Hafens

The vision of the networked port

Port logistics is changing - Where is the trend in maritime logistics heading? Our author gives an overview of the port of tomorrow.

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