Bahnprozesse mit SAP S/4HANA TM abbilden

Map your railway process completely with SAP S/4HANA Transportation Management

The basics of rail logistics processes with SAP Transportation Management.
LKW in Reihnung mit Tablet im Vordergrund

S/4HANA migration – how to replicate master data without much effort

Master data integration using DRF under S/4HANA Transportation Management (side-by-side).
Wartende Werksbahnen auf Gleisen

Factory railways: future-proof through digital operational planning

M. Platzer sheds light on the potential that lies in the digitization of plant rail processes.
LKW auf Autobahn

Free space for innovation through networked logistics

In cooperation with its partners, SAP presents solutions and technologies.
S/4HANA Apfel mit Birnen Vergleich?

Let’s compare apples with pears!

As part of our S/4HANA 1909 upgrade, we took a closer look at the new Normalized Load Quantity (NLQ) functionality in SAP Transportation Management for you.

SAP TM S/4HANA 1909 – New release updates

The waiting has come to an end - the new TM S/4HANA 1909 release has finally been released for customers since 20.09.2019.

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