IoT, Slot Booking, Yard

Frau und Mann schauen in Kamera

How to optimize the check-in and check-out process

How to standardize and automate your check-in process through the use of terminals.
Waggonansicht aus Vogelperspektive

The importance of planning for railway processes

How modern industrial railways plan their operations.

The digitialzed railway

The advantages of an integrated scheduling system.
frühzeitig festgeegte Geschäftsregeln führen zu Erfolg

Flexible design processes by means of business principles

The use of complex sets of rules in SCM projects
smarter Hafen: kollaborative Logistikketten

What does make my port „smart“?

Automation as a driver for smart port logistics
Hafenlogistik stilisiert dargestellt

The vision of a connected port

How digitization is gaining ground in the port logisitics sector.

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